Bacteria are simply scavengers of nature. They serve to break down organic matter and adapt themselves to perform the task at hand. After all other participants in the food chain have done their jobs, or not completed their jobs, bacteria step in to clean up the leftovers.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
Why did god create germs?
by sleepy inif there is a god who crested us , then why did he create germs , viruses ans other such things that harm and kill us?why also are there no instructions about these things in the bible, and don't give me that mosaic law crap, where does it mention for example boiling water or spreading germs through human contact, the most important things you can do agianst catching nasty dieseases?edited by - sleepy on 9 august 2002 9:4:21.
my reply to nigerian letter from paul baba
by recoveringexjw indear mr baba,.
it has come to my attention that you ar4e currently holding funds in escrow owned by a late barry kelly.well sir you will be most pleased to know that i am mr. barrys closest living relative.many yrs ago my parents were killed by a band of pirates in the rainforest while on
barry kelly was my fathers uncle on my maternal grandmothers side.
drahcir yarrum
If one travels to Nigeria to collect funds from these people and in the process gets killed, I would tend to believe that natural selection is proceeding normally. The herd is being thinned.
What I have to say will probably provoke a..
by PandaJ in..response from jehovah's witnesses.
it may label me "meddlesome" or even "unforgiving".
i realize and accept that as a consequence of what i am about to say.
drahcir yarrum
I tend to express my anger with "God" more like Captain Dan on the mast of Forest Gumps shrimp boat during a hurricane. But I guess any method of fighting back can be cathartic.
what the watchtower says about the bible
by zev in*** w65 7/1 391 what is required to understand the bible?
he does not impart his holy spirit and an understanding and appreciation of his word apart from his visible organization.
*** w67 10/1 587 finding freedom with jehovah's visible organization ***
drahcir yarrum
"Jehover", I like it. When my son was about 9 years old, we took him to my neices wedding. It was the first time he'd ever been in a Kingdom Hall. I figured he would be bored shitless as I was, but as we were driving from the KH to the reception, he blurts out, "hey, who's this Jovagod guy anyway?" I thought I was going to pass out from laughing.
Does anyone have a tetragrammaton T-shirt for sale?
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe insomething on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
drahcir yarrum
DakotaRed: I want to apologize for getting angry with you last night. The subject matter is one I feel strongly about, as you do and I let my irritation get the better of me.
Dutchie: I don't know you well enough to discuss getting your panties in a knot or any other way. I think I was just getting tired and should have used a little more patience in my response. I hope you'll overlook the slip.
by minimus ini was raised in a larger city congregation.
there were many black and white families and there were other nationalities in the area.for the most part, i do not recall seeing obvious prejudice manifest in the congregation.
have you seen or experienced prejudice from congregation members?
drahcir yarrum
It is precisely this "us" against "them" attitude that needs to end in both the white and black communities. Now that was real easy to say. But in today's world I really cannot imagine the situation you described in the blues club in SF happening in an all white club. Even in the south, attitudes of whites towards blacks in social settings are accomodating at the least. Now, I'm not saying if two black guys went into a country music honky tonk loaded with uneducated, toothless alcoholics that it couldn't happen. But in general it wouldn't happen and if it did, the press would hear about it and make it known.
I think we have a tendancy, because of our white guilt over past segregation and our darkest secret bigotted thoughts at times to look at the glass as half empty instead of half full when it comes to race relations. In this country we have made unbelievable strides. Blacks and Hispanics are moving into the economic middle class and above in record numbers. None of us, black or white are without our biases. But we can control them and continue to individually improve things.
In our family, we teach our kids that acceptance of others of all races isn't optional. We get onto them when they bring home the insensitive racial comments of their friends from school. And if you think those comments don't exist with kids, you've got blinders on. We are almost an entire generation away from institutional segregation in this country. Attitudes are a bit more time consuming to change. But I see them changing dramatically in my lifetime.
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe insomething on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
drahcir yarrum
Quit telling me what to think and what to do. That is so fucking Jehovah's Witness of you.
Why do some people want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that a problem doesn't exist? I have no clue. I'm done with this topic because I can't solve it and most whites are so tied up in guilt about it that they will give any amount of lip service and money to just make it go away. That is racist and disgusting.
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe insomething on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
drahcir yarrum
It remains to be seen if the challenge is valid or not, doesn't it?
If these works show that the statistics of the Bell Curve were flawed and that blacks aren't lagging behind other non-blacks in educational achievement, then we should be extremely happy and self congratulatory. You stated in an earlier post that the authors of the Bell Curve concluded that the differences in achievement could be genetic and therefore attributable to race. Genetics is much more than race. In fact, we know axiomatically that achievement is not tied up in the genetic blueprint of African Americans because there are many, many African Americans who achieve just as well or better than the mean for non-blacks. I'm not an geneticist, but I'm sure they would be amazed if someone concluded that genetics could be summarized as a racial factor. Skin pigmentation and racial features are tied up in the DNA, but are they controlling over other DNA factors. I'd be shocked to learn that they are. So, the authors didn't conclude what you say they concluded, did they?
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe insomething on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
drahcir yarrum
The next time I tell my teenage sons "not to get their panties in a knot", I'll try to remember that it is sexist. It's an expression commonly used by many. If you have any calipers, check the thinness of your skin. I'm offended that you are more interested in dismissing the statistical facts of a study than looking for ways to identify the problem and look for solutions. The authors of The Bell Curve presented statistics that haven't yet been refuted. The book itself has been panned because some readers like you didn't like how uncomfortable it made you feel.
I grew up in southern Missouri and I went to school with blacks from 1956 through high school. Perhaps in some parts of the country it was delayed up until 1966 or beyond. But just to be accomodating, let's say that in general blacks were educationally segregated until 1967. That means they have been integrated into the general education system for 35 years. That's almost 3 complete generations of primary and secondary school. Are we seeing cocommittant results? If not, what is the explanation? I would like to believe that race isn't the determining factor. Or shall we just continue to dream up excuses for underachievement, talk of making reparations, and turn our backs on the problem? I think that is where we are going anyway. YAWN!
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe insomething on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
drahcir yarrum
Since 1952 blacks in America have been attending the same schools as whites.(Brown v. Board of Education) Same teachers, same buildings, same books and same school lunches and in many cases breakfast. There are poor white children who live in the same environment that poor black kids live in, but statistically they are faring better on standardized testing.
If I tell you that there is statistical evidence that 60% of all black births were out of wedlock and that black children growing up in a single parent family are not performing as well as black children in two parent families, would you call that information racist. Could there be environmental and cultural reasons that blacks aren't performing as well as white children in the same socio-economic setting? Absolutely. But to acknowledge that isn't racist. To want to continue the status quo, in my opinion, is racist. Studying statistics to arrive at possible solutions is not racist. Being a calloused poverty pimp, ready to label any white person suggesting a problem or possible solution, now that is racist!
The only way one could arguably be labeled racist is if they concluded that certain races were just less capable simply because of their race. Just genetically inferior. We know that is not the truth, and we know that is not what the Bell Curve advocated, so why get your panties knotted up when someone points out a problem? That is part of what statisticians do. They identify problems scientifically and then, perhaps honest social scientists will be able to offer possible solutions.